Monday, April 27, 2009

GUHblergh and all the rest of it.

I only have one thing to say today: Moving can suck my hairy, slimy, smelly balls.

Thank you.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009


The last episode of House I saw was stupid and I hate it. AKA one actor in it is dumb...and ruined my life. Guhhhhh. He couldn't wait THREE weeks for the end of the fricking season? NO! He had to be stupid. OISHfksjdg.

I am way too addicted to this show. I actually feel personally affronted that an actor would want to leave before a season was over. That is just sad. hahahhaa. Oh well.

So I have to start cleaning my house soon. NOT excited about that. Not at all. But there is some silver lining to the dust cloud of cleaning...and that is, when I am finished...I GET TO COME HOME!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am completely done here. As school left to do until September.

ALSO I had a third year audition...which is also lame...but had to be done...and apparently the letters saying whether we wasted two years of our lives or not have been sent out today. That is exciting. Except it it going to the house in Calgary...not I have a lot of time to wait as I don't want parents to open it.

I had a weird conversation with Hermit last night about what "home" is. I realized neither Calgary or Victoria is exactly home to me. Victoria is where I go to school, and Calgary is my parents' house for the summer where I used to live...but neither place is my real "home" anymore. I mean, I am welcome in my parents' house, and it feels good when I am there, and i is fucking awesome to see you guys...but there is a part of me that feels like a guest there now...and that feeling grows with each year...the more I mature and become independent. It's weird. And then Victoria is a wonderful place to learn and grow and mature, but I know it's only a temporary living place for I don't feel completely at home here either. I definitely have a niche here in the theatre, with friends and such...but the city is not my home. Haha, I guess this means that although I have shelter and all that's needed to survive...I am homeless in the global society. I don't know where I belong yet. I know I will always belong with you matter where I am...and always with my family...and the friends I am making here...but I haven't found a city that a relate to, and feel like I could prosper and thrive in as of yet. I wonder if I ever will. I want to go to London because I felt a strong connection...even a physical connection walking down the the place, but I don't know if I belong there either. I guess there's one way to find out. Maybe it's because I am an impatient person. Maybe I will never fit in anywhere because I will always be looking for the place I should fit into. Maybe I am meant to travel all over the globe. I have no idea. Hahah, but a large part of me is ready to start trying to find out.

Well...I certainly wasn't expecting to write about this today...but I had time, and was thinking about it last night so why not, eh?

I want to go downtown today...I wonder if anyone will want to come with me...I think I'll go call or facebook people.

Love you all dearly, and see you in two short weeks!


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Too long my friends

It has been too long since I updated this thingy! Well, now I am in the midst of homework, and in desperate need of procrastination techniques, and voila! Here I go!

Let's is fricking almost fricking over. I cannot WAIT! I am done classes...I was done classes last Wed., but I still have assignments due. Which sucks, because in my HEAD I am done school. But I'm not. Hahaha. OH well.

I miss you guys. It is SO nice living with Hermit, because I get to see her most days. And I love that. And miss that with the rest of you. Jo, Ali, Ratty, has been TOooOooOooooOo longgg. When are you all back in the C dot? If you are coming back at all? I believe I don't come back until the veeeeery end of April or beginning of May. I want to be back NOW. And have a massive sleepover, and just talk for hours.

The show, Medea, closed. I think it went well. I had auditions for Romeo and Juliet (the first show of next year) and I found out recently that I got into it! Play nombre 3 homies!! I am excited! I don't know WHO I am in it yet, but I don't care. I get to be on the stage again! YAYYYY!

I need groceries pronto. When I am done my homework for today, I will buy some. Hopefully. I think I have onions left. Onions and flour. Those are not the makings for a very substantial meal by any means. Ok, I exaggerate. I DO have more than onions and flour. But not much more. So I need to get on that.

What else?

I want to watch a movie. The Reader perhaps. I need to see most of the oscar winners still. We should do that when we're all home!

Ok, I really should head off to get more work done now.

Love you, miss you, can't wait to see you much longer!
