Sunday, April 5, 2009

Too long my friends

It has been too long since I updated this thingy! Well, now I am in the midst of homework, and in desperate need of procrastination techniques, and voila! Here I go!

Let's is fricking almost fricking over. I cannot WAIT! I am done classes...I was done classes last Wed., but I still have assignments due. Which sucks, because in my HEAD I am done school. But I'm not. Hahaha. OH well.

I miss you guys. It is SO nice living with Hermit, because I get to see her most days. And I love that. And miss that with the rest of you. Jo, Ali, Ratty, has been TOooOooOooooOo longgg. When are you all back in the C dot? If you are coming back at all? I believe I don't come back until the veeeeery end of April or beginning of May. I want to be back NOW. And have a massive sleepover, and just talk for hours.

The show, Medea, closed. I think it went well. I had auditions for Romeo and Juliet (the first show of next year) and I found out recently that I got into it! Play nombre 3 homies!! I am excited! I don't know WHO I am in it yet, but I don't care. I get to be on the stage again! YAYYYY!

I need groceries pronto. When I am done my homework for today, I will buy some. Hopefully. I think I have onions left. Onions and flour. Those are not the makings for a very substantial meal by any means. Ok, I exaggerate. I DO have more than onions and flour. But not much more. So I need to get on that.

What else?

I want to watch a movie. The Reader perhaps. I need to see most of the oscar winners still. We should do that when we're all home!

Ok, I really should head off to get more work done now.

Love you, miss you, can't wait to see you much longer!



Redcard Sanchez said...

Right, so I want you to be home right now as well. It's been so long I'm starting to forget what you look like! And yay for shows! That is tremendously exciting!

Kesineeee said...

I know, it is extremely unsettling how long it's been since in the C Town. Seriously. WAY too long. If it weren't for this or facebook, I'd be completely lost. I do facebook stock all of you everyday, hahahaha.

I can't believe I am cast exciting...I love showssssss, and I am SO lucky to have been given opportunity to be in some here already!

LOVE! YOU! Oh my gosh, there is so much catching up to do...and by catching up I mean an hour of talk about the year and then a billion hours of being silly with you!