Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Philosophers of the old really knew their shit...

...I have had a rough couple of weeks. It is still weird, but I am feeling a lot better. I don't want to delve into all the details of what has happened, but I have had a true falling out with someone in my life. It happened mutually, and for my emotional safety. I am not sure what is going to happen. My mom sent me a message on facebook after hearing about this ordeal, and I am going to let that do the talking about how I am really feeling.

"Anyone can become angry -- that is easy -- but to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way -- that is not easy." -Aristotle

And I completely agree.


1 comment:

pvrussel said...

I'm sorry to hear about it, Kes. Speaking from experience, it is so hard to part ways with someone you're close to, but sometimes it needs to happen so you can both grow and learn as different people. You are a wonderful lady and an excellent person, and I'm glad that you're taking care of your emotional safety, because that is so, so important! ALWAYS take care of yourself emotionally. Emotional safety is a hard thing to understand, moreso than physical safety, but it is so, so important! And Kes, you're wonderful. Make sure you take good care of yourself! I'm glad you made the best decision for yourself in this case (even though i don't know any details, it really sounds like you did!).

<3 <3