Wednesday, September 23, 2009


...and HOW the hell am I 21??? WTF? I feel like a five year old. My goodness, where have the years gone? hahahahaha!


Hermit said...

Ugh, yes this getting older business happens faar too quickly nowadays. In other news, I had a most excvellent time watching House yesterday! Excited for next weekend for more Housetastic times!!!!!

Wulf said...

In my limited experience, I find that being 21 sucks. I am not liking it. just one year ago, I was 20 and had the world at my door and life ahead of me, and now that I'm 21 I feel like I've fallen forever behind. Emoemoemo.

But Happy Birthday!
I still need to buy you pretty things.

Kesineeee said...

Guhh, I know what you both meeeean. Bahhh. I wish I were a kid again...where the possibilities really are endless, and you are blissfully ignorant of your limits. That'd be swell.