Thursday, March 10, 2011

so true

“What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.”

Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

and that is all,

<3 Kesinee

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Twelfth Night musings

Well last show in the Phoenix has come, run its course, and has now ended. It was a hit, I loved the role (Feste), loved the cast, the show (Twelfth Night), the crew...everything. I am going to remember everything about it forever, and am so glad that I had an opportunity to be part of something so wonderful. It has made me so excited to get into the "real world" and start working...I could actually potentially possibly have a career in this crazy ass industry. Closing party was rad too! When I have more time to expand I will, but I only have like...6 minutes right now. I also experienced something may actors do, but I have not really experienced as strongly as this time: post-show depression. You have a wonderful ride, live on adrenaline and coffee and then all of a sudden it's gone, and you crash you get tired, realize how little of a social life you have, feel lonely, can't sleep, but know you'll get though somehow. And I will get though, and I will succeed because I have to, and want to, and I've realized something important these past few days. I would love a career in this industry, and even being well known for it would be amazing, but none of that is more important than my happiness. I will struggle and fight for what I love because I love it and it makes me happy and that is non negotiable. Also...holy balls I am graduating soon...freeeeeeeeeeaking out has begun to commence. This, too, shall pass. Ok, out of time. Until the next time.
