Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Twelfth Night musings

Well Jesus...my last show in the Phoenix has come, run its course, and has now ended. It was a hit, I loved the role (Feste), loved the cast, the show (Twelfth Night), the crew...everything. I am going to remember everything about it forever, and am so glad that I had an opportunity to be part of something so wonderful. It has made me so excited to get into the "real world" and start working...I could actually potentially possibly have a career in this crazy ass industry. Closing party was rad too! When I have more time to expand I will, but I only have like...6 minutes right now. I also experienced something may actors do, but I have not really experienced as strongly as this time: post-show depression. You have a wonderful ride, live on adrenaline and coffee and then all of a sudden it's gone, and you crash you get tired, realize how little of a social life you have, feel lonely, can't sleep, but know you'll get though somehow. And I will get though, and I will succeed because I have to, and want to, and I've realized something important these past few days. I would love a career in this industry, and even being well known for it would be amazing, but none of that is more important than my happiness. I will struggle and fight for what I love because I love it and it makes me happy and that is non negotiable. Also...holy balls I am graduating soon...freeeeeeeeeeaking out has begun to commence. This, too, shall pass. Ok, out of time. Until the next time.


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